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Document Projects – Transactional Documents represent Customer Relationship Value October 7, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in call centre document creation, crm, cross selling, customer relationship management.
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Too often, I have seen companies who see the sending of documents to customers as a task that is borne of necessity. It is a background task, costs money but is essential. So we do it. We print documents and send them to customers.

Except in the most enlightened companies, rarely are these customer communications seen as a business opportunity. However those same companies may often spend very large somes of money on direct marketing as part of the sales & marketing process.

One of the things that we know is that for most businesses, it is far more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a customer. It is a more cost effective exercise to increase share of wallet with a existing customer than is the expense of acquiring a new one.

Too often, we hear end consumers saying how good the sales experience was, the promises that were made and expectations set. However once bought, the experience of working with the supplier becomes so-so and very me-to.

One thing that research tells us is that customers will spend far more time looking at a bill, statement or other important and essential communication than they ever will a direct mail item. I call these document types transactional documents. And it is here there lies one of the biggest opportunities for organisations. (more…)