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E-Mail Marketing – Just another channel for Customer Communications Management? October 12, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in Uncategorized.
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In a complete Customer Communications Management approach, we would not be ignoring the role of email in communications. Email has the ability to allow organisations to cost effectively serve messages upon its customers and suppliers.

I have previously discussed the way in which physical documents can serve customer relationship management objectives but this also applies to email.

The challenge that email has is that it is a casualty of what some writers call ‘The Attention Economy’. There is so much of it and it has a relatively low share in the mind of the average user. Scams, a poor internet reputation and so on mean that messages seen on email are quickly forgotten.

The answer is to ensure that your emails add value. The infrastructure that advises your customer about the best tariff for them on their physical documents can also deliver similar information to your email messages. Perhaps the topics may be different or may be about reinforcement of proposals made in physical communications.

This all points towards the fundamental importance of data, not channel in this brave new world of customer communications management. Understanding and being able to deliver value to your customers through the use of the data that you have.