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Multi Channel Document Management October 2, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in call centre document creation, document composition, email campaign management, multi channel documents, publish to email, publish to mobile, publish to web.
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Traditionally, documents were seen as paper based items that get sent to customers. Now, document creation platforms should be able to deliver to a variety of document distribution channels and should be able to render formats viable within those channels.

At the very least, a composition engine that will be a strategic choice for your business should be able to cover the following needs
Publishing To Post
The traditional mail channel remains very important and certainly amongst more traditional customers, the desirable way to communicate with them. Certain documents must travel this route such as those requiring signature e.g. contracts.
Publishing To Email
Many customers now prefer to receive their communcations via email. It is direct and quick and can be dealt with wherever the customer is. Security is a concern with much Email communication so there are two options. Either deliver a PDF document with an email (not very secure) or, drag a link back to the website so that the user can authenticate him/herself before pullng the document down securely from your website
Publishing To Web
In many ways, part of the email strategy above. If you have a secure area within your website, publishing personal documents to your website can be a highly effective way of communicating with customers.
Publishing To Mobile
Mobile is becoming an increasingly important communications device. As mobile telephones become more powerful, in fact just very small computers, thus their importance for communications between company and customers increases.
What should also be ensured is that your document creation platform is capable not only of supporting batch jobs but also capable of allowing users in the front office to add one to one messages to documents, thus getting close to the goal of one to one communications.