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The need for a “Customer Communications Director” Role October 12, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in Uncategorized.
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It’s the old case of silo’s merging into one. As happened with ERP which was largely about a companies ability to transact data, communications are needing the same overhaul.

We now have a situation where the convergence of call centres and customer service centres, traditionally led by company sales, marketing and customer service teams, with document processing and printing, traditionally led by IT and operations functions renders a need for cohesion between the two groups.

A key measure of differentiation between companies offering very similar services is through the way in which they communicate with their customers. In order for this to work, I can’t help but feel that the care and value that customer communications management brings should be driven with the view of one who understands both arenas.

In some ways, it brings two very different cultures together. But the role would bring clear benefits to companies. The ability to drive up cross selling activities, accelerate deal closure at point of sale, to enhance the customer experience and take load off call centre’s and improve the efficiency of enquiries means much to a business in competitive markets.

In any competitive market where product differentiation is difficult – Financial Services and Telecoms being notable – the ability to give the customer that little bit extra can make all the difference.