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Alfresco, open source document management provider notice uplift in open source adoption as credit crunch grips. October 29, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in Uncategorized.
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Alfresco, the open source document capture and content management provider has said that it has noticed record levels of uptake of its software as the credit crunch takes hold.

Alfresco advise that Arcadia Petroleum, Bristol City Council, Hertsmere Council, Imprima, National Rail, The Open Group and Screen Digest are all taking up its software solutions. Alfresco state that they are bringing huge licence costs reductions, whilst providing a subscription based service that provide world class levels of customer support.

Credit Crunch Cost Reductions – OCE announce measures to reduce print costs in workgroup printing October 20, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in Uncategorized.
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OCE, the leading manufacture of printing technology have announced a set of guidelines to reduce the total cost of print. And very sensible measures they are:

1. Leverage Workgroup Printers

Personal printers and small local laser printers have a very high relative cost per page. By shutting down output to these devices and using larger, more effective work group machines, organisations can leverage a lower cost to page. OCE claim one customer reduced 1,100 personal / smaller machines with 400 workgroup machines.

2. Elminate printing banner pages

Many printers print a banner page for every print job. This is very wasteful and companies can save thousands by eliminating banner pages. OCE believe that a 1,000 man organisation could reduce paper usage by 1.3 million per annum

3. Implement Document Scanning

Already discussed on this site, the implementation of document scanning and electronic archiving can greatly reduce to amount of paper, copies and staff time spent collating and distributing paper. It will also save on office space storage.

4. Encourage Duplex Printing

Print two pages on one piece of paper. Use machines can support a duplex approach.

5. User Authorisation

Implement a PIN authorisation system for printing. Up to 1 in 10 documents are never collected from the printer. Give users control about what they print and eliminate over-printing.

6. Save on Paper & Toner

Buy in bulk! Reduce costs.

A great set of measures but not entirely comprehensive. The change has to be cultural as much as anything else. One of the things that I wonder is that if desktops had better, larger screens would people feel the need to print as much?