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Alfresco open source enterprise content management offer Microsoft Sharepoint support and new colloborative features October 30, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in Uncategorized.
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Alfresco will ship this week a major upgrade of its enterprise content management system that features new collaboration services, a draft implementation of the CMIS spec and Microsoft SharePoint support.

Alfresco Enterprise 3.0, due for release on October 31, features Share, a collaborative content solution that eases capturing, sharing and accessing information across virtual teams. Share offers a document library, search functionality, activity feeds, the ability to easily create virtual teams, personalized dashboards and support for content creations tools such as Microsoft Office, blogs and wikis.

The upgrade also offers support for the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification and the Microsoft Office SharePoint Protocol to enhance its operation in mixed environments.

Finally, the open source CMS system enables rapid application development using lightweight, standards-based scripting, rather than .NET or Java, according to the release issued by the London. UK and Palo Alto, Calif. company on Wednesday.

Alfresco will host a webcast on Enterprise 3.0 on November 6.

Alfresco, open source document management provider notice uplift in open source adoption as credit crunch grips. October 29, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in Uncategorized.
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Alfresco, the open source document capture and content management provider has said that it has noticed record levels of uptake of its software as the credit crunch takes hold.

Alfresco advise that Arcadia Petroleum, Bristol City Council, Hertsmere Council, Imprima, National Rail, The Open Group and Screen Digest are all taking up its software solutions. Alfresco state that they are bringing huge licence costs reductions, whilst providing a subscription based service that provide world class levels of customer support.