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One reason why Business Process Driven Customer Communications are critical October 2, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in adf, business process management, credit card late bills, document integrity.
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The customer communications process is critical. There are a variety of documents sent through the ADF platform most of which require integrity and accuracy in processing. The customer needs a bill or confirmation in a timely manner whilst the importance of bills getting to customers in a timely manner is paramount.

One major US credit card company estimated that if its statements were a day late leaving the ADF facility then the bottom line impact globally would be $30m. Smaller companies can expect damage to their own bottom line and maybe, in smaller companies, this assurance of timeliness is just as important.
Thus whilst companies seemingly spend endless revenues upon their customer communications platform, it is clear that if it didn’t, the situation would be much worse.
The old adage that ‘you can’t manage what you don’t know’ stands true. As document management platforms become more heavily leveraged and more more complex, thus the need for control and visibility become ever more important. Management reporting and integrity remain a key facet of any high volume document creation platform.
Of course, if you are not confident in your platform’s reliability, there is always the option of outsourcing……