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White Space Management September 24, 2008

Posted by Julian Bradder in accelerate cash collection, billing processes, cross selling, customer relationship management, document management, White Space Management.

Transactional documents such as bills and statements are the one document that you can rely on your customers giving some consideration. On average, people will spend less than 10 seconds reading direct mail pieces. Your customers will spend between 30 seconds and one and a half minutes studying their bill.

This is significant. It is an important part of you relationship with the customer. The opportunity is to not only tell your customers about your bill but to do much more with it.

A typical billing document will contain the customers address, some basic contact information and the core of the statement bill.

However, this renders much of the page unused and it is in these unused areas that opportunity exists. Here you can give customers options to pay, with the potential to accelerate cash collection processes. You can also utilise these areas of white space to promote with relevance. Thus, a customer in her late 50’s might be interested in Pension products and insurance products. A customer in their 30’s may be more interested in Child Trust Funds or College Savings schemes.

By effectively using data within your organisation, this white space can be utilised to best enhance the customer relationship and, ‘share of wallet’.


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